Tuesday, June 4, 2013

sudent success statement

  Student success statement

“Honesty is the cornerstone of character. The honest man or women seeks not merely to avoid criminal or illegal acts, but to be scrupulously fair, upright, fearless in both action and expression. Honesty pays dividends both in dollars and in piece of mind.”

                           B.C. Forbes


It’s good to be honest about everything and avoid any bad things. Always say the truth and be honest to yourself and others. be honest so people can trust you. if your honest other will believe you 

honesty 9 of 10

                             9 of 10
You are being honest when you…

. Do your own homework

. Tell a friend the truth

. Explain the real reason you didn’t turn in your homework

. Keep your eyes on your own paper

. clean up your room after making a promise

. give the cashier the extra money she gave you by mistake

. write a report in your own words instead of copying

. Admit you made the mistake

. Keep a friend’s secret

. Turn in a wallet full of money that you found


Monday, June 3, 2013

student success statement

  Student success statement

“Stop worrying about whether you’re going to win or lose and focus your full attention on what’s happening right this moment.”

                            Phil Jackson

                 11 world championships


Don’t worry about the past or the future you need to focus on what happening in life right now. You need to focus on what’s happening in present time. Worry about the decisions you need to make in life right now. don't let others tell you what to do you choose what you think is right. 

time management 8 of 10

         Time management

                              8 of 10

Master the moments and you may be a real pro when it comes to juggling the many demands on your time. And that’s a good thing since most jobs require multitasking.

Someone said. “Wherever you are, be there,” focus on the present moment and give it all your attention. Don’t let your mind drift and wander here and there when you need to be thinking and concentrating on the moment at hand. You can’t go back and recapture this moment, so make the most of it while it now. Master the present and you will master the future. Work smart by making the present moment.

        Choose the right!!!!